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  • Writer's pictureDusty Ricketts

Independence Day

Today is the fourth of July. People celebrate the independence of our nation. Freedom is a big part of this celebration, freedom as defined by the constitution of the United States of America. It is a grand document like few others that has, I think, made the USA a standout in the history of the world. It's sad to think that it and the documents that followed -- the Bill of Rights with their amendments -- are under such attack now. On the other hand, I think we are nearing the end of time. The lamb like beast of Revelation is beginning to speak like a dragon. In certain areas it is beginning to try and muzzle the personal convictions of a certain class of people; people who believe in living their lives as the Creator intended. In trying to force them into the new "theology" the popular forces are using these righteousness seeking ones' greatest weapon against them: love. We are commanded by Jesus to love one another and this is the front where those who would follow God are most severely attacked. Choices to abstain from worldly activities are cast in negative light. These people of righteous convictions are judged spitefully to be "judgmental" and "hateful." Not celebrating others' choices is is not judgmental and hateful. Speaking out against sin is not judgmental and hateful. The end is nearing. Warning is an act of love. Foree is not. The world stands on a cosmic train track. We are distracted and looking the wrong way with a gigantic locomotive bearing down upon us. Can those of us who can see and hear and know to get out of the way have love if we remain silent? There is joy in knowing the end is on its way, though the time until the return of Christ will be fraught with danger and heartache. The joy is in knowing that we will be soon with Him who gave His life to save us. Because of love, the Creator's followers want everyone to be saved. The tools at His followers' disposal, though, are not force, judgment and hatred; but these tools will be used as weapons to try to intimidate and destroy.

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