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  • Writer's pictureDusty Ricketts

Why Write?

I'm descended from published writers. That's of interest to me. Why do I want to write? Why spend hours trying to think of the right words, hone the craft, seek publishers, meet rejections? What is the reward? Is this a talent that I actually possess? Should I develop it to share with the world? Will it make a difference? Are writers slaves? The hours we spend are not fairly compensated with exchangeable currency. Some publishers want writers to pay them to publish. I researched one publishing house that claimed not to require authors to pay to be published -- but they had to pay for editing! The same or another, and maybe many, wanted the author to format the work to certain specifications. Many want a detailed plan from the writer as to how they will market the book. If the book succeeds, who gets the profit? Why is the author investing so much? If the author is doing all this extra work what happens to the creativity? Is it increased or decreased? Why not just write for oneself? Why is it important for the world to see in order for the work to matter? Is it a writer's responsibility to reach an audience? How? Oh, how? Why did my ancestors want to write? Why was it important for them to be published? How did they manage it? What has become of their writing now? Will my efforts end up in a trash dump somewhere after I am gone, too fragile even to survive until discovered by archeologists in the distant future? Well, that doesn't matter. The world can't possibly last that long. In the grand scheme my writing may count for nothing. But what if it can make a difference in the world? What if it can help people reach out to God and through Him gain heaven? Please, heavenly Father, if this is part of Your plan, if this is in Your will, show me the way, point out the words, help me write and do life according to Your will.

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